Had a fabulous couple of days at ArtVanGo last week teaching ‘Tissue Textured Surfaces’. We did lots of experimental surfaces and took a couple of the techniques further to create these to store the samples in:
Hard cover books
Postcard size folded pocket books
This time I did remember to take photos and just couldn’t believe it when the camera battery failed so I only managed to get half of the wonderful books that were created. Such a talented group of ladies too. So if I haven’t shown yours, please send me a photo and I will share it with everyone.
Jenny, who kindly showed me the way to go home – I get lost very easily. :)
Marilyn, who is totally new to all things textile and mixed media, how exciting that must be for her with all those new techniques and materials she has yet to discover.
and Maureen, who travelled miles to get there!
The other six are just as stunning as these. The folded pocket books hadn’t been embellished and some of the samples were unfinished at this point, everyone was really worn out by this stage. :)
I’m back down in Surrey next then at the end of the month it’s a ‘Vessels’ workshop in Cornwall, a place with the lovely name of St.Issey.
Recently had the news that I have been allocated a stand at the ICHF show in Cardiff at the end of September where I will also be taking some ‘Quick & Easy’ workshops over the three days. Hope to meet some more of you there. (Note for CarolT – my emails keep bouncing back, have you changed your addy?)
Many thanks for all the emails about the article in Workshop on the Web, pleased you enjoyed it.
And for anyone else that wants to know where you can get book screws from, they are available from most bookbinders stores. In the UK, amongst other places, you can get them from Shepherds or J Hewit & Sons. If you ‘google’ make sure you put in ‘screw posts’ rather than book screws.
Wanted to show you this, fuzzy picture of a Bosch Sensixx B7 Iron:
New purchase. Would really like one of those big steam contraptions but have nowhere to store it so went for this which had high ratings in the Argos catalogue. All I can say is ‘Bosch stick to what you’re good at – Power Tools – and leave the domestic stuff alone.’ Have heard that their washing machines are useless so would now like to add irons to the list!
Jenny is one of my students Lynda and she came back with glowing reports of your AVG workshop!
A two days workshop sounds like heaven, but I expect they were exhausted. Loved making the book at Chelmsford. My Bosch stem generator iron is fantastic, but agree where do you store something that size!!!
Oh dear for your iron but congrats all round for the gorgeous books your students produced - they are stunning and all look beautifully finished. I must have a go at that technique but am welded to my embellisher at present! The Cardiff workshops sound great too.
I would love to spend two days on one of your workshops, the books look great. I have at last finished my book that I started on your workshop the other week, really pleased with it, thank you!
Lucky you off to Cornwall, it is my most favourite part of the country.
You sure are getting around these days-so-when are you coming out to Oz?
Hi Lynda, all the books are stunning :-) Just a little whinge though, could you leave the pics a bit larger as when you click on them they're only very slightly bigger and it would be so nice to get a better look when clicking on them. Ooh will have to check just how far it is to Cardiff; though I suspect it may be too far to go. Would love to see you work your magic again after seeing you at the NEC. Will you be at the Knitting & Stitching show, Harrogate in November?
I used to subscribe to WOW but don't know what happened, must have missed an email when my subs ran out, thanks for reminding me about it, I will join again.
Anne xx
I just knew you had a new career beckoning. Can I put in a plea for you to come to Creative Stitches in Liverpool next year.
Those books look smashing.......dont spsoe your up in harrogate in November by any chance are you?
Bet a Bosch bloke designed the iron...lol
Hi Lynda,
I enjoyed doing the book workshop at Chelmsford EG, two days would be brilliant.
Sorry I have to disagree with you about the Bosch washing machine, I've had one for a year and have nothing but good things to say about it. In fact I've got a Bosch dryer too!
I reckon leaving work was the best you have done in long while lol Your obviously keeping busy and the work the classes are doing looks great!
I tried really, really hard but cant find that almost rude word on the quilty pics at all..........dam it lol
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