Before I bang on about how brilliant this show was I need to make an announcement to the students who attended my workshops on Saturday and Sunday.
I have given you the wrong CD. Well, not exactly the wrong CD but only half of the right CD. If you would like to email me at I will send you the rest of the files that I told you were on there. Apologies for the error.
Now back to Textiles in Focus. A really great show and very busy. Managed to catch up with lots of past students and friends.I was demonstrating and giving workshops as well as having some of my work in the Fen Edge Textiles exhibition. We were exhibiting and demonstrating in the Atrium which was a wonderful setting, very light and airy.
These are a very few shots of the exhibition. Don’t want to give too much away as it is moving on to other venues.

The exhibition has been well received with lots of lovely comments in the visitors book.
Wendy, an old friend from machine knitting days (who has an article in the next Stitch magazine), Julie, whom most of you know and Tina came to my workshop on the Sunday. It was great to catch up with them. Julie bought me a small gift:

A lovely covered notebook, with a little message in the front which makes me smile everytime I look at it. Thanks again Julie.
Colouricious were there and I couldn’t resist buying these blocks.

Now I’ve just got to try and find the time to use it!
A camera crew from Just Hands On TV were filming at the show and asked if they could film me demonstrating. I had hoped for a fake tan and complete makeover first but they said there wasn’t enough time. :) I’ll let you know when the video is on the website – or maybe not if they haven’t cut me out.
There were also other demonstrations and exhibitions going on along with lots of traders. Two hour workshops take place on all three days plus a lecture on the Saturday afternoon with a well known textile celebrity. If you missed the show this year then make a note for February of next year. Check out the web page for Textiles in Focus and for Pauline Verrinder who organises the show, and is the mentor of the
It was my birthday recently and this arrived – unplanned – on the day.

It was from Vintage Rock Chick Gill as a way of saying thank you for something I gave her. It’s made from vintage fabrics and I will treasure it. My needles are usually stored like this:

And the amount of times I stab my finger when rummaging through for my ‘favourite’ needle is unbelievable. Not any more though!
Writing this, I realise how much I miss blogging. Will be back again soon.
Hi Lynda, it was great to see you on Saturday. Just to let you know that I've resent the email we talked about. Let me know if you don't get it - it may have got into your spam folder as there are attachments. Denise
A fake tan???? Don't ever be tempted, tried it once, never to be repeated. LOL!!!
I hope you enjoy playing with the gelli plate as much as I have. It's great for printing on paper - next I want to try it on fabric.
I so wanted to get to TIF this year but it wasn't to be. The exhibition looks stunning. Will it be at the NEC in March?
Lovely gifts and purchases - beware the time gobbling Gelli Plate!
The exhibition looks very interesting.
It is so nice to have useful items which look as beautiful as your notebook and needlecase.
So far I have resisted buying any of those gorgeous printing blocks or a Gelli plate but I'm not sure how long I can hold out!
Belated Birthday wishes.
I shopped three times at AVGo. The first time I bought what I needed. The second I bought a new heat gun (I blame you for that purchase). Then I went back and bought a Gelli Plate. I bet you do more exciting stuff with yours than I do, but I am looking forward to playing.
We had a wonderful day, the workshop was inspiring, the exhibition was awesome and I just loved catching up.
I was chatting to a retailer and he told me that he has started to import knitting machines because he is being asked for them. It may be time to get mine out and give it a good clean :)
It was lovely to see you on Friday Lynda... and your work is FABULOUS!!!!
It was fabulous to finally get a workshop with you Lynda and I enjoyed every minute. I should be saying that I have finished the pieces we started but sadly not. This week is horrendously busy so I am hopeful of getting back to it next week. I hope you don't mind, I've 'borrowed' your pic of my notebook cover as I forgot to photograph it before I wrapped it.
It was lovely seeing you on Sunday and I shall look forward to seeing your starring role without fake tan ;-)
Sorry I missed TIF this year, but looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks. Good to see your blogging again we miss you on here! x
It will be nice to see more blogging from you again. Name dropping is nice, too. Ha! Wendy has been wanting a Gelli for more than a year - so glad you both will be experimenting with them and hopefully sharing your results.
Just found your blog, you may find mine, Inky fingers - I loved T in F and did a little shopping of course. The trade stands were great as usual and a great exhibition.
Great to see you blogging again.
Two great gifts :-) Those blocks are gorgeous, you're right they are irresistable but so far I have managed to resist haha.
Anne x
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