Mind you, I shouldn’t complain as Libby, who has just turned 10, has started to show an interest in anything textile related - unlike the three daughters, one of which wouldn’t know what an embellisher was if it came and bit her on the bum!
Not that it really bothers me but I do often wonder what will happen to all my 'stuff' when I'm gone. I hate to think that all those beads, threads and bits of fabric that I have had for years, never used but lovingly handled now and again, would end up in a skip! Then there are the boxes and boxes of samples and finished pieces. And as for all the books - at least they know how I feel about them as they still fall about laughing at my long-ago statement that 'I have a great respect for books'. Never did realise what was so funny about that considering I am not the only one who will never buy a book or magazine from the top of the pile and can only at a push use the library for reference books - wouldn't dream of picking up a novel from there.
DH buys a lot of his novels from the charity book shop in the town where I insist he takes them back as soon as he's finished!
Anyway, last time Libby came over for the day she decided to have a play with the embellisher first before having a practise with some fancy stitching on the sewing machine.
Meanwhile I have been busy working more samples for the ‘Scrim, Screens and Scrappy Bits’ workshop at Textiles in Focus in February. Possibly looking very familiar but it is something quite different. :)
I think it often skips a generation, so looks like Libby has the creativity gene.
Love the new samples, my favourite is the top one x
I get similar teasing from my daughters. I think local schools will benefit from all my 'stuff' one day. It's lovely for both of you that Libby is becoming a 'partner in crime' - she's a natural.
The Scrappy Bits are scrumptious - it sounds like a fantastic workshop.
I think the local op shops will benefit from my stash - depending on which DIL gets there first, one would probably just put it all in the tip1 She is a lovely girl all the same. Your samples look simply wonderful, lucky people who will be taking the workshop. Cheers
I've told my husband I'll come back and haunt him if he throws my stash into a skip! Having emptied my mum's and a friend's house last year I do intend to declutter mine this year and reduce the stash a bit.
Libby's first attempt is excellent, she has a natural eye and how lucky to have you to encourage her.
Sadly we couldn't get into your class at TIF but Wendy and I will see you in the afternoon. The samples look very enticing.
Libby is a natural and her first piece is fantastic.Ebony loved stitching in the beginning but now she would rather pull the machine to pieces to see how it works.
Love the new samples and do I see lots of French Knots in the first two-love those French Knots.
What fun to have a grandaughter with the creative gene too!
Like you, my kids wont want any of my stuff. Ive made them swear theyll give it all to a charity shop since I know they wont have time to sort thru it all.
I must declutter before I go but even so........I NEED this stuff! In case..............
fab samples here and Libbys showing great potential......you must be so chuffed!
Cool samples and I love that your granddaughter is interested.
I too wonder about all those things I have collected and love to look at them .Trying to use them all is a problem.
I seem to in the same company here!! I have insisted my stash and books are to offered to my friends first before anything else is decided. Love the newest samples.
Congratulations to Libby on such a lovely felted picture. She must be a delight to have around. My little 8 year old grand daughter is very interested in anything with paints, texture and glitter. We have a ball when she is here.
Libby's embellisher piece is fabulous, and what a great teacher she has.
Love that 1st scrimmy sample and I'm sure that will be an excellent workshop. Unfortunately, too far away for me.
Jean S
Great samples, super colours and textures. What a great first try on the embellisher it' s lovely when one of the grandkids have an aptitude, it would definitele be very uncool for my Ben to be doing it now at 14 but we had agreat time while it lasted.
Great samples! I keep looking at my stash to try to reduce the bulk but know that if I do so I'll immediately think of some use for it! My 10-year old grandson is fascinated by trying out the stitches on the sewing machine! Hope he keeps up the interest - guess it's up to me!
The gene is alive and well. Libby's piece is like an impressionist painting. I can see a lady in a large hat.I love it. Your samples aren't bad either.....
Love those samples, unfortunately I didn't get on the workshop either! Never mind, perhaps you will come and teach us one day?!? So sorry to hear you are not joining us after all. My daughter is going to have a fit when I try and teach my grandson textiles lol
My friend and I have named each other in our wills to disperse the important resources to appropriate fellow sufferers!
wow! what great piece libby made.
the scrim samples are great too. better run downtown and get some before the only store that still carries it shuts down forever. sigh.
I love your samples, the textures are gorgeous. I might try and come to Cottenham this year.
Libbys' piece is really good - how lovely to be able to share your love and talent with her :-)
just love your blog, l am so glad l found you. I am also pleased that l have found out about the "Fair" in Feb...yippee.xx lynda
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