Well, where do I start?
I have been really busy with workshops, talks and demonstrations in the past few months. Had a family crisis at Christmas then just recently I was ill for about three weeks. Swine Flu some say but the Doctor said Bronchial Virus so I’ll go with that. Never felt so ill in my whole life, took a while to get my strength back. But the best news is I finally decided to no longer be in paid employment. Almost 22 years in the same job - Phew! Feels very strange at the moment. DH keeps saying I am retired and I keep pointing out I am ‘between jobs’ and I still have a few years (and a few more than I should have thanks to the powers that be) before I can draw my pension! Bless him. :)
And my point is? You are going to see a lot more of me on here very shortly. I may even get to grips with Facebook – you never know. :)
I just finished my ALQS5 which went to Sharne who was very pleased with it by all accounts and yet again I was really lucky with my swap partner. Unbeknown to Kate (the organiser of ALQS) it was someone that I have known a while – Glenys from New Zealand. Glenys made her quilt using some of the fabrics from her erosion bundle. This is her description that appeared on the ALQS5 blog:
This quilt is made up of the materials from my erosion bundle. I love the earthiness or organicness (if there is such a word.) The main fabric is cotton with 2 colours of organza and the hessian and ribbon. All these were in the erosion bundle along with the lace. I have also used rusted bottle top and agate beads.
It is amazing and I am really pleased to have it in my collection.
This is always a really good swap. Keep an eye out for when Kate, as I am sure she will, announces ALQS6!
And a huge bar of dark, mint crème filled chocolate….
Yes, all gone before I had chance to take the photo. *LOL*
How does that saying go ‘A minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips’???
I have also been working on a technique which will appear in the June issue of Workshop on the Web. Here’s a sneak preview.
And lastly, I don’t tend to do much family stuff on here but just couldn’t resist showing you this. Meet Miss Lottie Sas aged just 3. It’s her nursery school photograph. Isn’t she an absolute sweetie? Butter wouldn’t melt? Don’t you believe it. *LOL*
What a darling little girl! :) It's good to see you back again Lynda and work's loss is our gain :-)
Welcome back. looking forward to your workshop with Chelmsford EG in May.
So glad to se you back Lynda. Sorry to hear you have been feeling ill.
Hi Lynda, glad to see you back, not glad you have been ill though. I have only just 'flipped through' this quarters WOW, now I can't wait for the June issue.
Nice to see you back and don't forget to let me know how the last day at work went :-))
Hurray great to see you back in blogland at last. Hope you enjoy your well earned rest. Don't they always look so angelic in school photos, when we all know better.
YEY!!!!!!! your back been MEGA missing you Missus :), email me with a catch up hunny as I have been really missing you. Starting to tip toe back into blogging, hiding behind the tangles at the mo :) I am soooo glad your here I can not tell you. Glad you better ( and cwtches for family too) Chuffed you have finally quit!!!! good on you very brave. And as for missie what a treasure, so cute it's unreal :)
There you are! Welcome back :)
So glad that you are now better. Looking forward to the workshop in May!
So good to see you back! I thought of you only yesterday and wondered what you'd been up to. Glad your feeling better, and well done on giving up work - I recommend it!
Speak of angels,what wonderful news.
Good to see you back here Lynda and glad you're feeling better. Good decision giving up work!
Lottie is gorgeous, can't believe she is three already, wonderful pic :)
Great to have you back and so glad you are better. My son-in-law was laid low by a bronchial virus and he's a tough guy. Can that quilt really be made from an erosion bundle - it's beautiful, and I love the goodies too. Like the look of your technique for WOW. Lottie is a really little beauty - that's a lovely photo. Enjoy your 'not quite' retirement.
Congrats on retiring, dropped to 4 days myself last september but would so - like to drop to none - but still get paid.....you know?
Enjoy and am sure youll have no trouble finding things to do! And what a little cutey Lottie is!
Looking fwds to NEC and what you have to show!
hey! your feed's not working and almost missed this post.welcome back to cyberia.
Congratulations on retirement! Your granddaughter is adorable. I am looking forward to your new project for Workshop on the Web. Love your quiltie and other treasures.
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