I have mentioned before how I have been collecting crisp packets for
Tracy(take a look at her blog and you'll see some of the amazing pieces she is creating).
I now have two dustbin bags full of them - not bad for someone who never eats crisps - so I thought I would see if I could put them to use somehow.
I tried putting them in the oven like the children used to years ago (why?) to shrink them but found they came out too hard so decided to put them between two sheets of baking parchment and iron them. They melt in pretty much the same way as Tyvek.
I also tried zapping them with the heat tool but not sure I like the effect, need to work on that one more.
I then used acrylic paints and Creative Sprays on the surface.
This is the foil from inside of the bag.

And these two are the outside of the packet. I used a McCoys mixed six pack. The colouring shows through well underneath the acrylic - Quin.NA Gold and a very small amount of Paynes Grey were the only acrylic colours I used on the front of the packets with a quick spray of Creative Sprays Autumn Gold.

Close up.

This one is a Walkers Sensations packet with Creative Sprays only - Copper and Autumn Gold - sprayed on the surface

Look out for more experimenting with these. :)
Something else I have been playing with at the weekend is this - Men in Corsets (unfinished)

Old dressmaking pattern tissue has been used on the painted surface. The metallic paints on the corsets are not quite as light on some of them as they appear in the photo, especially the baby blue one. :)

And just a reminder that you will find these...

...in the fourth and final freebie workshop that accompanies 'Stitching the Textured Surface' on the
d4Daisy website tomorow, Monday the 18th. Enjoy!
Your textures are very beautiful. Men in Corsets are too funny.
Gorgeous textures!
Oh no, just when I decided to stick to a diet, I find I need to eat crisps! Really love the men in corsets - trying to work out how you got the 'corrugated' effect in the background - maybe it's stitched? x
Love the men in corsets what a brilliant idea.
Hey lovely :) pieces, these are great. The crisp packets are just great I use these with the kids at school - but havn't painted them so wil give it a go this time :)
and lastly get you all glam - with your picture up:) YOu look amazing.
Hello Lynda :o) Good to see you :o)) You look fantastic!
These crisp bags are amazing too. I shall have to eat more crisps and go and scour the recycling wheelie for the Sensations packet that went in there the other day!
Ooh! I forgot to say, I love the Men in Corsets!
Wonderful textures from crisp packets. I shall need corsets myself if I start eating crisps. I've already been eating Ferraro Roche chocs in order to get the gold foil used by Angie Hughes! Your men in corsets is a great piece. Is it really time for another online class already? I am so behind.
Wonderful array of textures and beautifully enhanced with colour. Men in corsets? Mmm! Interesting.
Ooh look at your new picture, you look FAB :)
remember those shrunken crisp packets and the kids making badges out of them, I have been melting the wrapping from yogurt packs, its very addictive isn't it
Are these the true Mad Men? Great stuff. As ever love the colours and textures of the metal.
Another thing to save! Your samples are very appealing. Thanks for the free lessons that go with your book.
Good post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information.
LOVE the crisp bag textures!! Hope this doesn't mean you'll stop sending me crisp packets, LOL!!
wow, who knew a crisp packet could be turned into such stunning material :)
I just love the Men in Corsets. And those chip bags. You gave me the perfect excuse to buy chips LOL. I have seen the things Tracy does with them, but this is completely different.
intuition told me to save the foilies from cereal bars. now i know hwhat to do w. them !
there's some victorian perversity in matching mustaches w. corsets LOL!!
Keep on posting such articles. I like to read articles like that. Just add more pics :)
I think I could start liking crisps again! I tried similar experiments with the waxy plasticy bags that come inside the cereal boxes. They distort in the same way. I really need to try the crisp bags SOON!
Love your vessels
Happy weekend
Carolyn ♥
I'm so glad I watch BBC sometimes so I would know what crisps are!! So now my husband is even more worried about me. Laughing about men in corsets as I chomp on my favorite "crisps"!! (I feel like such a woman of the world just using the word "crisps"!! LOL) Somehow he failed to see the humor...go figure!
Just to say how much I have enjoyed the free classes - many thanks to you and Carol for giving your time to create them for us! And at last a gorgeously creative use for the discarded snack packets that constantly land in our garden from the passing school kids!
Amazing colours on the crisp packets, looking forward to seeing where you go from here.
love the men in corsets quilt, great idea.
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