I followed the Rust-Tex CD this time for the first piece– although I still didn’t leave it as long as I should have done, just far too impatient!
For the other pieces I sort of followed the instructions, but not exactly – which is why, of course, they never turned out quite so well. But even so, I am very pleased with the results.
This first piece is cotton – the best piece of all of them – and below are some close ups.

This is how the fabric looks that I wrapped around them. The top piece is silk noil and the bottom piece is cotton velvet.
These pieces of copper shim are from an earlier experiment where I soaked them in Balsamic vinegar for a few days.
I used them to wrap this piece of silk noil around, wasn’t sure if it was going to work and certainly didn’t realise it would turn blue. Lots of inspiration for further pieces there. I have already started on my third attempt and am following the Rust-Tex CD exactly this time. After all, if I can get results like this by only doing half the job then just imagine what I shall get if I follow the instructions to the letter!
Oh I think these are all fantastic.
Got to say there is a face in the first piece and I saw it before Mags!
Great work.
Amazing! I really must have a go at this - I've already got a bit of an old plough and an axe in my garden! So inspirational.
Brilliant pieces and Yes I can see a face in the 1st piece as well.
Lynda -I think your rusted pieces are fantastic and I must say I didn't have much success with rusting silk either.
Several of my pieces turned out blue like yours and several pieces ended up a dirty grey looking colour.
They look wonderful! Can't wait to see if you get even better results when you follow the instructions...
I think they look great! I am as impatient as you are, regonize the feeling! To many things to do, to explore, so little time.....
You girls are all so clean - I don't see a face, have a closer look! I obviously have my mind in the gutter!!!!!!
Fantastic Lynda!
This is wonderful Lynda. The copper is so inspiring just as it is.
I can see a dog with two floppy ears there, a spaniel maybe?
These pieces are so brilliant.
These are great Lynda!! I love the bottom pieces - such lovely colours.
Ooooh, good results. Those blue ones are interesting. Looking forward to your next "to the letter" attempt.
Loved them all except the first one which kind of creeped me out with the figure...
The copper, wow!
Fabulous! I like all your results...following instructions or not. The blue is great!
I also start with some rusty tast and I am very impatient but I am working on waiting and waiting....
oooh! lynda these are lovely. I can see a face, and something far ruder like Carol, but actually what I thought of when I first saw them was cave paintings. must be such a simple sol. loved the copper blue pieces, did you add anything else except the previous balsamic vinegar? please tell.
What wonderful rusty results. Great.
Ooh wonderful results,
"sticking to the instructions"
hehe.... you will never do it, you are far to experimental which is why you always produce such briliant pieces
Wow, if this is what you get by not following the directions to the Tee, I can only imagine what you get when you follow the directions full out. These are fantastic. I love the copper shim pieces.
Hi Lynda! Love your rusted pieces - mine are all outside away from my prying fingers. Going to check them tomorrow as the copper rusted piece was looking good a few days ago! I love all your pieces and the blue piece is extra special. Your blog is such a fantastically inspiring place - I love coming here and seeing what you are up to on the other side of the world!
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