Undecided about how to follow that, I made Terri two Padfolios. This first one I knew she would definitely like.This one is made from silk, chiffon and organza embellished to a cotton velvet background.
Free machine embroidery was worked over the top and I added some beads following the lines.
The cord was made by taking a strip of organza, doubling it then running the embellisher through it. It was then turned over on itself and embellished again until it was the right thickness for a cord. I then went over it once more by twisting it while running it through the embellisher.
The beads were made in the same way with a strip of organza but only doubled over twice. These strips were then wrapped around a metal rod with a metallic thread wrapped tightly over the top to hold them in place. The heat gun was then used to melt and seal them.
When the beads had cooled I threaded them onto the cord.
I fixed the cord to the back of an ‘inchie’ which I attached with two others to the flap. A heart shaped charm added the finishing touch.
From the left over fabric I made Terri a Wild Woman Brooch/Bookmark.
For the second Padfolio I used one of the couching samples I blogged about here last week. As ever the photography leaves a lot to be desired colour wise.
For the cord I used viscose ribbon threaded with yarn. I bunched the ribbon up over the yarn then worked a free machined zig zag stitch over the top to hold it in place. I sealed the ends with a soldering iron.
Once again, a couple of ‘inchies’ were attached with a beaded chain.
Close ups of the finished surface.
Two things I must say. Firstly, Terri was extremely pleased with both of them which I was very happy about and secondly, my faith in the Royal Mail has started to go up a notch. Terri lives in the US and I took the parcel to the Post Office (which is inside a newsagents shop) on Friday afternoon at 4.30. I buy my postage online to save having to queue and I’m always a bit worried that maybe I haven’t weighed it right or whatever. Anyway, the parcel reached Terri on MONDAY!! Can you believe that? It certainly would not have reached its destination that quick if it were in this country. So hats off to Royal Mail – on this occasion at least!
Yes Lynda, I am sooo very pleased with my padfolios and extra gift. I love that you've showed step-by-step photos of your processes. Thanks again!
These are GORGEOUS Lynda - how do you find the time to get everything doe? Please give me some tips!!!!
It really is gorgeous Lynda, the grey one is my favourite. I like the way you made the cords, I didn't think of that, how clever. The structure is also very beautifull, what a lucky woman is Teri.
Lynda both of these are absolutely fabulous. I am very jealous of Terri! And these cord techniques are brilliant! I can't wait for my needles for my embellisher to arrive so I can try that first one.
I'm not sure I can say which one I like best because I love the colours of the 1st one but also love the textures on the 2nd so perhaps a combination of the 2???
Love your art, wish you happy Easter,
Wonderful work as usual Lynda and I love them both, b ut must admit that the grey textured one is my favourite too..
I like the beading detail on the blue, so subtle, but I love the grey/pewter one, all that texture.
Terri's padfolio for you is gorgeous. Also, the ones you have made Terri are fantastic!! Love them both - and am also going to give the cord and beads a try!!
Your padfolios are gorgeous! And thanks for sharing how you made the beads. I'll have to try that.
They are gorgeous Lynda. I really like the texture of the second one. Thanks for sharing the process with us.
Double WOW!, Lynda. And hugs for sharing the process. Does Sue B teach this project in one of her classes? I like the padfolio: pretty and practical.
Each time, when I look to your blog,I learn a lot of new art!!Wonderful!:)))
Fantastic Lynda and I like your new look blog also
both of these projects are awesome!!! thanks for sharing your techniques Lynda...I love just looking at the pictures...
I love, love your art! Your blog is so inspiring an colorful. I always leave feeling refreshed and happy.
I adore the Wildwoman brooch/bookmark you made for Terri. And the colors are incredible.
Thanks for sharing your art so freely.
Hi Lynda - Just followed some links to get to your blog and WOW! What beautiful creations - I was only toying with the idea of an embellisher before but reading this post has made my mind up ! It is obviously a must-have. I'm with everyone else on the two padfolios - they are both fantastic in their own way. Debbi B (I'll be back!)
Love these beads!!! What a great idea :))
i don't know how i missed your blog till today, you have one of the most interesting blogs i know! i'll put you in my links list!
not need to tell that i love all you do!!!! :-)
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