In this sample the stitching was covered with scrim and PVA glue.
Dragons Breath ink was then flooded on…

I decided to seal the surface with Acrylic Wax and something amazing happened. (Well, I thought it was amazing, some of you will be thinking ‘omigod, what on earth is she doing now!’) The Iron Gall Ink had some sort of reaction with the Acrylic Wax which made it lift off the surface and go gooey. Once dry, it settled back down again and left this effect.
I wrapped paper straws with scrim and painted them with the two different inks and the wax and also did the same with some cotton thread.

Put them all together and here it is: “once in a house on fire”.
Lynda my girl if I could swear on blogger I would -but all I can say is Oh My Gosh and I will leave it at that.
Wow Lynda you've been busy! I'm impressed that you made something with your experiments - I leave them in a drawer or folder!
Lynda this piece is just gorgeous, and the title is very thought provoking. Your work is just wonderful!
Absolutely fantasic work Lynda. You really do inspire me.
I really like your end result, but have to say I like the color before you added the wax. Sorry :(
Awesome! just awesome Lynda!
I LOVE this piece! But I also agree that the color before the wax was really nice too.
You've given me so many new ideas.
I've been admiring your work all along, since I found your blog to track TAST.
I think it's great with the wax! Altough before the wax the colour was also nice. But the wax gives it a more lively look. I loved what you made of it. It's a beautiful sculpture.
Lynda, now you have to EXHIBIT THESE SOMEWHERE!!!!!! I looovvve them. The final piece is fantastic.
One word Lynda BRILLIANT!!!! The title is so appropriate as well. The finished straws remind me of looking into the embers of a real fire when I was a child. BTW are you running out of space in your house with all the samples you are doing?
Oh my, you are at it again!! I think you are totally amazing, and so is "once in a house on fire"!!
This is incredible! Love the names of the colors of inks you use too.
b_____y marvellous!!! well done. your work is so inspirational and thought provoking.
Once I wiped the drool from my chin, I said 'Oh my god' its fabulous
I love experiencing your excitement, but I'm donning protective gear! I mean that in a fun way, but for safety's sake as well. Be careful what you handle and breathe. "Don't try this at home!" might be a caveat; I think I'd pursue this experiment outside.
This is so fantastic. You just keep amazing us more and more with these experiments. I love the end result!
I have no words---only: wonderful!!!!
Before I read the technique, I thought you had been at it again with the soldering iron! Words fail me- no, they really do! Why can't my mum do x stitch samplers and patchwork baby blankets ? lol! Yes, I know the answer, 'cos if she did that kinda thing, she would be chewing on her own leg with boredom. Right, I'm off back to my twee tropical fish needlepoint! ;-)
You really do inspire me.
that's glorious Lynda - whose inks are these? I love the vessel by the way
well, you diffently think "out-side-the-box"...way to go Lynda!!! love it....
Wow, this is amazing... love the texture. I don't do much hand stitching but this tempts me to start... I found your blog via Carol at Textiletales...
My mouth is still open. I love the effect you reached with the wax.
I just love reading your blog. It's always a surprise to see what you create. You are incredible!
Fantastic work.
Hugs, Alis
from the other side of the mirror a bit belated, but OMG this is awsome! i think you topped yourself. keep surprising us please
neki desu
Wow wow wow! What an awesome piece and I found it really really interesting reading about your process. Thank you for such an interesting blog!
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